Servant of

Our Very Own Exalted Bhagavatam Commentator

Listen to Gopiparanadhana Prabhu’s Lectures

Total Lectures: 931

Our Very Own Exalted Bhagavatam Commentator

Listen to Gopiparanadhana Prabhu’s Lectures

Total Lectures: 931


Born in 1950 in New York City, Gopiparanadhana Prabhu received his B.A. in linguistics from Columbia University in 1972 and was initiated by Srila Prabhupada in 1973. Under Srila Prabhupada’s guidance he developed an expertise in Sanskrit and served as an editor for the Bhaktivedanta Book Trust (BBT).

Audio Lectures

Total Lectures: 931

Tattva Sandharbha

Lectures: 80

Srimad Bhagavatam Canto 3

Lectures: 208

Bhagavata Sandarbha

Lectures: 194